Wow! Thanks for this splendid and flattering bio piece, Lee.
Some notes:
photo credit: Denise Ross.
Five books, not three.
I'd prefer "a long-running magazine column" instead of "multiple plays." "
My List" was co-written by Tim James. So, lyric credit should be Rand Bishop and Tim James.
As I'd been active in political stuff all my life (I was in SDS in college and marched in the first Vietnam War moritorium in D.C.) the phrase "became involved in politics" isn't quite accurate. In truth, I was heartbroken over the meanness. When anyone asked why I was walking, I'd respond, "Well, I think this country is getting so mean." No one disagreed.
And, regarding planning the pilgrimage... I hadn't a clue about long-distance hiking, had minimal camping experience, and suffered from chronic foot and knee pain. So, although some of the route and contacts were set up in advance, I had no idea what I was getting into. (Which was probably a good thing.)
The term "working population" rubs me wrong, sounds a bit condescending. Maybe something moe like "unheard voices across the political and socio-economic spectum."
You're a mensch. Thanks again.