While it's definitely discouraging that this pattern of indoctrination and repression pervades, it might be helpful to remind ourselves that the folks who originally arrived in North America from white, Christian Europe burned "witches" at the stake., decimated and "relocated" indigenous "savages," and owned and tortured other human beings... THAT was accepted then.
Although the struggle continues, at least it's legal for women and persons of color to vote and same sex partners to marry. Folks can even join covens and do incantations without fear of death. Every bit of historical cultural progress is met with backlash — DeSantis represents a desperate effort to stir up and prolong the attitudes and policies you've astutely mentioned here.
"The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice." — MLK (it takes consistent intervention, however, by those who stay vigilant and never give up.)