This is a lovely piece, asking for empathy and patience and trust. However, it should be noted that the person coming out has probably been wrestling with their truth for a very long time. Whereas, what they are revealing is most likely shocking information for the person they are coming out to. So, empathy and patience and trust are required on both sides. How someone feels at the moment a loved one comes out to them can fluctuate and change over time. If the news is not received as well as we hope, it doesn't necessarily mean that we're not treasured, or that we've been cast away — not permanently, at least.
Also, I know this from experience. My coming out was not just a revelation of my truth. It was also an admission that I had been lying (and cheating) for a very long time. If someone finds out they've been deliberately lied to by someone they thought they knew and loved, it's devastating and disillusioning. These are complex scenarios that test Karmic relationships and provide us with important life lessons. Empathy, patience, and trust are demanded of everyone involved. Peace.