This is a brilliantly written piece. It's good to read some creative snark within the message.
However, as a queer man who has been involved in all kinds of liberal activism for nearly 60 years, I've learned that change does take time. Civil Rights legislation here in the U.S. didn't happen until a century after emancipation. It took 150 years for women to finally gain suffrage. It may have seemed that same-sex marriage happened overnight... but, the U.S. republic was well over two centuries old when the courts finally ruled in its favor.
And, in the case of same-sex marriage, it wasn't marching in the street that affected the shift in public opinion. It was exposure to queer characters on TV and in movies, the realization that relatives, neighbors, and community members were queer and just as human and decent as everyone else. It was familiarity that made folks realize that same-sex couples were no threat, that it wasn't a zero sum game, that they had nothing to fear.
Am I implying that trans folk should sit back passively and patiently and wait for acceptance? Absolutely not. Rock that boat, Baby! And, keep rockin' it until you get what you deserve. Hopefully, your acceptance will come sooner than later. Right now, however, we're living in reactionary times. It's frustrating, heart breaking, and fury inducing. I get that.