Rand Bishop
Apr 25, 2022


Thank you, Jeff, for (as always) engaging in civil and respectful discussion and addressing my questions directly without defensiveness. From my experience, too many take honest queries as “gotcha questions” and refuse to engage.

And, far too many Christians believe that whatever version of the Bible they’ve been exposed to is literally the word of God, while being ignorant of the text’s original cultural context and language, discounting the multiple translations by humans with their own agendas. You are exceptional in your examination of multiple translations, which gives your faith in scripture a far more informed foundation.

I am both surprised and delighted that, in regards to non normative sexual orientation, you would have interpreted the language differently. And it leaves me wondering what else in the Bible you would edit or omit. Surely passages regarding homosexuality can’t be the only questionable ones within such an epic text. Peace.



Rand Bishop
Rand Bishop

Written by Rand Bishop

Bishop's latest book, the semi-autobiographical novel, Long Way Out, is available in e- and print editions through most major online booksellers.

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