Sorry. Still confused. Here we have a fragile white man who assumes because he has one black friend he can't possibly be a racist. Right? He makes a tasteless, disgusting remark, thinking he's being funny. Horrible, yes. But, how is that an attack? Especially an attack on "all black women?"
My point is this: Isn't using the word "attack" more than a little bit hyperbolic? Did the idiot have any deliberate intention of harming anyone, or of holding any racial group down?
Insult for sure. But doesn't calling his dumb-fuckness an attack actually diminish genuine attacks that actually do threaten all black women?
Furthermore. Yes, he offers a lame, defensive non-apology that avoids any responsibility for his own insensitivity and ignorance. Next question: What specifically should the offended woman have done other than instruct him and whomever else might be listening about the kind of pain and harm micro aggressions like this can inflict?
Maybe the dickhead deserves to lose his job. Maybe that would teach other closeted racist dolts to think twice before opening their yaps with a racially insensitive quip. But, in today's real world, that would just make the guy a martyred hero to the anti-woke crowd. It might make us feel better to see the guilty party get his just desserts. But, in the long run, it's a lose-lose. And, no lesson has been learned.