Of course. However, the decades-long (and ongoing) strategy to weaponize abortion as a partisan wedge issue has always been purely political. And that strategy is what ultimately allowed the courts to be stacked with religious zealots and originalist ideologues.
Youthful political strategist Ralph Reed recognized that what had always been a “Catholic” moral concern could be used to motivate previously apathetic conservative evangelicals and Christian fundamentalists to vote Republican. The “pro-life” brand was a brilliant and insidious marketing ploy with the clear intention of removing all nuance from a complex, emotional personal issue and make it partisan, while recruiting Protestant religious leaders to campaign from the pulpit to elect politicians committed to banning all abortion (i.e. Republicans, regardless of their own moral character). Thus, Democrats are as unwelcome in such congregations as queer and trans folk.
If not for a patiently planned, long term political campaign based on this single issue, SCOTUS would look very different, and the precedents of Roe and Casey would still stand. Instead, we are left to fight off encroaching Christian theocracy.