Lots of presumptions and biases here. First, that suicide is the coward's way out. It's called depression, which is a mental illness, exacerbated by years of compartmentalization, trying to live up to societal expectations and playing an impossible, ill-fitting role. Suicide ideation inside that scenario feels like love... it's protecting those you love most from a painful truth.
You're making generalizations about an entire generation, that we all walked away from our children and grandchildren to live our rich gay lives. I worked hard to have wonderful, loving, TRUSTING relationships with my children and grandchildren. And, my divorce took my beautiful house, so I live alone in a small RV on social security, scraping by, but just.
Yes, my generation totally failed to stem the curse of climate change which is regretful. And, I fret every day about what kind of world I'll be leaving behind for my grandchildren. I'm sorry that you live with such bitterness. It can't be healthy. We all have our share of work to do. Being human ain't easy for anyone.