I was living in Tennessee when Obama made that speech. What it said to me was that no state is 100% liberal or conservative. Liberals live in so-called red states and conservatives live in so-called blue states. So, even though I, a queer liberal, lived in a so-called red state, I shouldn’t feel written off, rather I should keep working for positive, progressive change… which I have my entire adult life.
It sounded idealistic, yes. But, the implication of that statement wasn’t just to placate southern states, it was also to encourage disenfranchised liberals like me living in “red states.”
Ultimately, his 50 state strategy worked to get him elected. Then, the election of a black president immediately resulted in a wave of reactionary racism, which is what got Trump elected… twice! (Racism teamed up with misogyny, homophobia and transphobia in this recent election.)
This ugliness is not unique to the US after all. This trend is happening globally.
And your “canary in the coal mine” symbolism is perfect! If anyone thinks that Christian nationalists will be satisfied after they’ve succeeded in passing every anti-trans law they can pass, they are living in a dream world. LGBTQ+ folk must stand strong together or we will all suffer enormous loss.