I respect your right and everyone’s right to identify however you or they see fit. There is no blame here, only an acknowledgement that the right is astute at using certain words to condemn and other.
I’ve said for years that “socialism” and “socialist” should be reclaimed by the left as positives… because who doesn’t want roads and libraries and police departments and parks and libraries? I call myself queer in defiance of the way it was hurled in the schoolyard.
They/them, however, isn’t so easily reclaimable. And, it’s confusing in conversation. But if using those pronouns makes the statement that aligns with your identity, who am I to criticize let alone blame anyone?
Labels are tricky and the right is very proficient in their ability to turn a word or a phrase on its head to intentionally cause greater division, distrust, and alienation.
Just a suggestion that we might keep an eye out for language that would be less confusing to allies and at the same time doesn’t give haters more ammunition. If you don’t think that’s a constructive suggestion, take it how you take it. I’m not your enemy, unless you make me your enemy. Peace.