Even with all this pretentious, academic-sounding rhetoric, distilling the entire concept of toxic masculinity down to sexual aggression and presumptive sexual dominance seems simplistic. Toxic masculinity, while rooted in sexual insecurity, is demonstrated in ways that affect all of society. It doesn't just rankle and offend feminists or heterophobes (is that really a thing?).
There's nothing innately wrong with masculinity. In fact, lots of women have masculine traits. As a queer man, I am strongly attracted to physical traits that are commonly considered masculine.
Masculinity, however, is often demonstrated in less appealing, destructive, and extremely toxic ways... by intentionally making the engine of one's car or truck excessively loud, for instance, peeling out, bilging black exhaust, etc., acting like a cave man, berating and/or threatening female, queer, and trans humans, mawking intelligence and scholarship. This is learned behavior, passed down from generation to generation. Masculinity needn't be eliminated from the human spectrum. The negative, devolved aspects misidentified as masculinity, however, needn't be taught, encouraged, or even tolerated.