Chappelle is wrong about a lot of things. Or, rather, he seems to completely misunderstand certain things regarding gender, gender identity, and sexual orientation.
But, he does have a profound understanding of the experience of being black in America, and how we white folks see black people in the darkest corners of our privileged heads. That's where his humor has always hit the bulls' eye.
The Closer was far from his best work... He doesn't wear victimhood well. I think the adulation he's received from the industry and his fans has resulted in a loss in perspective. A little more humility might help him regain some of that lost perspective which, in turn, might help him write better jokes.
But, the author of this piece is absolutely correct about comedy... somebody's always getting punched. Dave Chappelle has been jabbing at white people for decades and most of his white fans didn't even realize they were the butt of the joke. It must be frustrating to be so misunderstood. Poor Dave.