A true soulmate would be willing and eager to work on issues as they arise… because anyone who has ever been in a relationship knows, issues WILL arise. Also, if the one you think is “the one” wants out, they are most definitely NOT your soulmate.
I believe we have karmic relationships, that we are brought together with certain people for certain periods in our lives to learn certain lessons and grow. We identify those people as our soulmates. Sometimes, those relationships last a lifetime. My parents were married for 72 years, devoted to each other till the very end.
Other times a relationship runs it’s course. That doesn’t necessarily mean that person wasn’t a soulmate. It only means that we have more lessons to learn with new soulmates.
As Neil Sedaka sang, “Breaking up is hard to do.” It may be impossible to believe, but life goes on. And, we always have more love to share. Peace.